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a Amazon seller or manage Seller Accounts?
Sorry. Arthy’s software only functions in conjunction with a linked Amazon Seller Account. Would you like to become an affiliate?
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an Amazon seller or manage Seller Accounts?

Automated Amazon Reimbursements

Unlike other offers on the market, Arthy takes care of the whole reimbursement process - including dealing with Amazon support - for you.
Missing inbound shipments
Lost inventory
Damaged inventory
FBA fee errors
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Claim refunds

Get back what's yours

Credit card mockups

Arthy finds and recommends refund

Spend 1 minute to connect your account and get an audit for the last up to 18 months of refunds, worldwide.

You instruct Arthy to claim the refund

Arthy contacts the seller support on your behalf and claims the refunds for you, you don't have to do anything yourself. 

You get your money back

The claims are approved and you get reimbursed by Amazon.

What Amazon sellers say

"Arthy claimed $16.000 of refunds for me, during my free trial in the first month."

Victor Bushik
Amazon Seller
Not convinced?

You’ve got nothing to lose

Sign up now, link your Amazon Seller Central Account, and see Arthy’s potential!