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Amazon Review Management

Arthy provides easily filterable in-depth insights into your product reviews, including deleted and edited ones. Let Arthy proactively alert you if you receive a negative review and react promptly to increase your customer satisfaction.
Negative review alarm
Filterable review dashboard
One-click translation
Automatic review request
Header image
Automate. Get Notified. Follow up.

Improve your reputation

Credit card mockups

Negative review alarm

Arthy keeps you informed about new negative reviews as they come in. Taking action by reaching out to the buyer quickly will lead to improvement in your rating.

Automatic review request

With automated review requests, Arthy can significantly increase the amount of received reviews without any risk, and you save time.

Filterable and dynamic dashboard

Filter by star rating, marketplace, or time frame to keep track of your product reviews, including deleted and edited ones. And with the one-click translation feature, you can easily understand all reviews.

What Amazon sellers say

"Our Customer Success team loves the negative reviews alert. They can contact customers faster and replace the order to guarantee satisfaction, without having to check the reviews every day."

Marla Stevens
Amazon Seller
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You’ve got nothing to lose

Sign up now, link your Amazon Seller Central Account, and see Arthy’s potential!